First of all let me Thank you for visiting our website…We are glad to serve you!!
By way of introduction I am Kavya Cherakulam, I am a full time Mom, a working professional and a passionate cook. I love cooking different dishes and relish them at the comfort of my home. We as a family are all foodies and we love eating special dishes almost everyday. My husband and my son both are my biggest supporters and critics too… they let me know what is good and what can be better which helps developing my cooking skills in a better way.
Though my son is just 7 years old but he has his own taste and choices so living upto to his expectation has thought me variations in cooking, Every night before we get to bed he checks with me on the next day food menu and also gives his suggestions and I just love all of these, to cook for him and make him happy. He also cooks with me at times and has also done some solo cooking (ofcourse with our supervision) infact I see a chef in him too J. My husband recently has got allergen to certain foods which we usually use in day to day cooking so in the process of making food without all that he is allergic too has also thought me innovating with foods or using alternatives for different food products. Everything you experience is a learning and I have in the course of time learnt a lot due to circumstances and of course the urge is always there to learn something different in cooking.
Let me quickly take you through my journey so far and how I won Maggi Apna Food Business Contest in 2021.
My passion:
I always had a passion for cooking some of my favourite restaurant style dishes/recipes at home. Since childhood, I use to watch the Chef’s cook on TV and use to imitate them at home. I always wanted to be a Chef when I was a child/teen but as I grew my thought process and priorities changed…
How did I start: Food Channel – YOUTUBE
It all started when one day I was watching my favourite Food blogger and was thinking her job is so interesting and then thought why can’t I start a youtube channel of my own. This will help me live my passion and share it with the world.
That’s when I started my You Tube Channel famousdishes.in in 2019
Today I have around 20.6k subscribers and I have uploaded around 275 food videos so far…
Around 4k followers on Facebook and Instagram.
Any memorable instance: WINING – MAGGI APNA FOOD BUSINESS CONTEST 2021
With at most pride I would like to share that I also participated in the MAGGI – APNA FOOD BUSINESS contest 2021 which had in all 8000 entries, of which 250 entries were shortlisted and of that 250 entries in the Semi Finale round 20 participants were shortlisted, The selection was based on the Trainings provided, Assessments, Public Voting on our recipes etc and then finally in the Finale round we had to present our Business Strategy for our Food Channel and the best 10 contestants won the TITLE and I was one of the 10 WINNERs of the MAGGI APNA FOOD BUSINESS – Online Food Channel Category
https://www.deshkeliye.maggi.in/ (Check-out the Top 10 Winners of the Contest with the details of the Contest held in 2021)
It was an amazing experience, It was a 2 months long virtual training We were trained by professionals from the Food & Hotel Industry like Celebrity Chef Ajay Chopra, Ms. Kabitha from Kabitha’s Kitchen, Ms. Madhura from Madhuras Kitchen, Professional Experts from Youtube, Facebook, Instagram , Session with Professional Food Photographers who are ace in their respective fields.
Jury for this Contest – Rajat Jain (Business Mgr MAGGI Nestle India), Rajeshree Naik (Founder – India Food Network), Nidhi Thakkar (Content Partnerships – Youtube), Parul Arora(Creative Strategist – Youtube), Abhijeet Dabas – VP Head Business SWIGGY) & Shilpa Wadhwa (Health & Wellness Lead – Nestle India)
Celebrity Chef Ajay Chopra, Kabita Singh (Kabitha’s Kitchen) & Madhura Bachal (Madhura’s Recipes)
Rewards Won – Cash Prize of Rs 5 lacs & kitchen-studio make-over
It was like a dream come true for me and huge achievement towards my Passion…
Your learnings from the journey:
I am happy that I pursued my passion and took it to another level which not only gave me the satisfaction and joy but also helped me win a Contest which was a dream come true for me.
Articles on our Contest Maggi Apna Food Business